Tuesday, May 15, 2007

anak, tiada galang gantinya...

The chronology
Jam sekitar 3.20ptg. seorang ibu muda bersama dua anak perempuan kecil memandu sebuah mpv matrix dari arah Sungai Buloh melalui Jalan Kuala Selangor. Sebaik tiba di kawasan Bukit Darah kira-kira 300m (di selekoh tajam berhampiran gerai menjual bantal kekabu)menuju ke arah susur masuk guthrie highway sebuah kereta waja menyondol dari belakang sebelum memotong mpv matrik lalu memberhentikan keretanya di hadapan mpv matrix tadi. Ibu muda kemudian keluar dari kereta untuk melihat kerosakan keretanya. Merasakkan sesuatu yang tidak kena si ibu cuba berpatah masuk ke keretanya namun dihalang oleh seorang lelaki berketurunan India dan berlaku halang-menghalang. Dalam masa ynag sama lelaki kedua meluru ke dalam mpv matrix dan terus menekan kunci pintu dari dalam. Si ibu cuba membuka pintu tetapi gagal, dan keretanya terus dipandu lari bersama dengan anak-anaknya menyebabkan siibu sedikit terseret tetapi tidak cedera. Kereta waja di hadapan turut meluncur laju meninggalkan siibu kesaorangan di tepi jalan raya terpingga-pingga berbaur rasa takut, marah, sedih dan keliru. Sebuah kereta dan paling penting 2 kanak-kanak perempuan berumur 4 tahun dan 5 tahun lenyap bersama 3 penyamun. bagaimanakah nasib kedua-dua gadis kecil ini.

Imagine few minuttes ago your kids are all around you, in few seconds they were gone, abducted by bad people. A nightmare no mother ever want to think of. The abducters make a u-turn sped off back towards Sg Buloh. With help of kind hearted passerbys and stall owner she managed to make 999 call to police and made several other calls to several important people for assiatance.

The father who rushed from his office in Shah Alam to the scene actually ran into his wife car when he passed at NKVE near Bukit Lanjan. Unfortunately he was at the other direction of the highway headed to Sg Buloh restoran jejantas. It was right infront your nose but yet could not be reached. God is great, some people said children are guided by the angels. At about 5.30pm a passer by found the two young ladies in an abundant waja by the roadside near Uitm Puncak Alam, Both of them safe but slightly schock. The abundant waja was also believed stolen earlier of the day.

What more would a parent ask for when they found their children were safe. Words just couldn't describe the feeling of losing very own little daughter, and finally found them back

This is one common case happen almost everyday. But if that happened to someone that you know, it gave a long lasting effect.

The police advise if similar incident happened. Do not bother to stop, to find out who is right or wrong, or accessing damages. Just carry on driving and only stop at the nearest police station to lodge police report and accessing the damages

always remember live of people that we love is no exchange of anything at all.

Take care of your family well.


Sunday, May 13, 2007

happy mother's day

happy mother's day to all mothers especially to the mother of my daughters.
to mak, may you rest in peace and your tender loving memories remain forever, alfatihah.


Monday, May 07, 2007

kerenah customer.... atau kerenah customer service

"Thank you for calling us, your call is important to us. Our lines are busy at the moment, our next available consultant will be attending to your call shortly...."

Does that sound familiar to you... Its a generic customer service (cs) machine prompt. Do you think that the cs is of help to the callers, or they are merely a 'telephone operators' to receive call and make promise to look into the complaint.

Why do we call the cs?
obviously for solution of our problems...

Why does a company sets a cs?
to provide solutions

What do you call a cs who gives a good service?
that's their job...!

What do you call a cs who don't provide assistance?
... a useless cs.

Common problems with cs.
TNB customer service or 15454 is the worst in whole history. First it took ages for them to pick up the line, bet you minimum will be 5 rounds. Finally when they picked up the line, the nightmare begins. For example you call to report on power failure, she will then take your phone no. and ask you about report/complain details. She will promise to inform you on the failure detail once she gets it, after that hampehh..... Try to call them again they will make you repeat the same statement you have made earlier (although the report had been recorded earlier)... yet no feedback from them. By then after few rounds, you could have been fed up and couldn't be bothered to call again... to them case closed, customer satisfied....

Other cs especially the private company like banks, credit card, telcos will warn you that the call will be recorded for training purposes (which to me it's for defence, not so much for training). Then you can hear the prompt machine started talking about their services, promotions, grandmother story blaa. blaa. .repeatedly until god knows when the next line be available.

The unique one is telcos' cs, ie Maxis. they seemed to be friendly and professional but after some times they started sounded very fake, started to comfort you, sympatise you, but in reality they try to buy time. They are no different from the rest.

Do you know that the best cs is the PA to the CEO. Trust me, if you file complaint thru' the PA your complain will be attended as almost immediate. So, next time around if you have problem with your service provider don't bother calling the cs because it endless. Call the PA to the CEO instead, your needs will be fulfilled like yesterday.