Thursday, March 15, 2007

Projek entah ke mana!

Of late business moves very slowly. It used to be during good times not too long ago 4 or 5 years back, our hands were just not enough to handle jobs. Now that our 2 hands are seemed too much for us to handle jobs. Where are all the projects gone, even Paklah has no answer to it (simply because he has no idea about it). Had they gone to the drain, or there were no jobs anymore or all jobs had been completed, or probably there are few, but fallen into 'hands of god'.

Many of my good friends had closed business, and some in the verge of closing, the rest are still struggling for breathing air, not knowing gallons of water been swallowed in. Over teh tarik session we talked about our future, would there be any for us... or we could anytime collapse over heart attack or talks remain talks without any solutions... empty talk.

Where are those pembesars who every alternate night over national tv stations and related to shouted that economy is good, bullish, rebouncing and named it. People down here have been suffering for living. We do not talk about extra cents, we are talking about our end meals for the day, not for us, but for the hungry stomachs at home waiting for pappa to come home with decent food. Ahhhh, can't continue right now..... will continue part 2....



Blogger Silent Me Not AUthor 1 said...

hi AHM,

I presume when you mention contracts, you re talking about construction contracts. I would also presume that you re a class E or F contractor, or maybe even higher level. Then the next question is, are one of those that just wait for the government to pass you some juicy contracts to work on?


7:44 PM  

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